Tuesday, October 15, 2013



1. Want of physical strength; want of force or vigor; feebleness; as the weakness of a child; the weakness of an invalid; the weakness of a wall or bridge, or of thread or cordage.
2. Want of sprightliness.
Soft, without weakness; without glaring, gay.
3. Want of steadiness.
By such a review, we shall discern and strengthen our weaknesses.
4. Infirmity; unhealthiness; as weakness of constitution.
5. Want of moral force or effect upon the mind; as the weakness of evidence; the weakness of arguments.
6. Want of judgment; feebleness of mind; foolishness.
All wickedness is weakness.
7. Defect; failing; fault; with a plural.
Many take pleasure in spreading abroad the weaknesses of an exalted character.

Note: It says "want" like 5 times in there! Interesting....


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